I’m Now the Healthiest Weight I’ve Ever Been… 12 Weeks Later

I did a post about 12 weeks ago explaining that I had fallen to the lowest weight I had been since middle school. If you didn’t get a chance to read it, I’ll put it here so you can catch up first (https://thepesuitofhappiness.wordpress.com/2021/09/29/im-the-lightest-weight-ive-been-in-15-years/). At the end of that post, I made a claim that IContinue reading “I’m Now the Healthiest Weight I’ve Ever Been… 12 Weeks Later”

Are You Using Social Media With Purpose?

I’m going to run through some practical steps that I’m using to try to be more purposeful in my social media use that you can use too:
1. Why are you on social media?
2. What do you hope you will get from using it? What do you hope others will get out of it?
3. So what are you going to change so that you can make your social media values and goals line up with reality better? What practical steps will you take after reading this blog to stop being a mindless scroller and use social media with purpose?

I Dare you to have this Conversation with your S/O

You know when you first start out in a new relationship? Everything is sunshine and daisies… you love absolutely everything about the other person, and even when they do things you would usually hate, for some reason, it’s fine because you’re together. Above all, you just want to do anything you can to see themContinue reading “I Dare you to have this Conversation with your S/O”

The Challenge: To Survive 9 Months Living from a 10kg Backpack

This is our lofty travel goal. To travel for 9 months through Europe and the United States with only our clothes, backpack and the wind in our hair. ‘Why would you do this you crazy person?!’ I hear you ask. Well let me give you some context. And before you ask, yes we have gotContinue reading “The Challenge: To Survive 9 Months Living from a 10kg Backpack”

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