Power and control: A reflection on the times.

One of the key areas of study that we explore in Social Work and Sociology is society and its influences. At the heart of societal influence are these two words: power and control. Most of the time, the outworking of power and control goes largely unnoticed or unopposed by society. This is what we callContinue reading “Power and control: A reflection on the times.”

My Therapy Experience

You know those certain topics people feel uncomfortable talking about? We tend not to ask people their age. Their salary. We don’t talk about bowel movements (depending on who you are). It’s easy to keep hush hush about family issues, marital problems and more. Another one that I feel people tend to keep to themselvesContinue reading “My Therapy Experience”

To Smack or Not to Smack?

A reflection from a group discussion with Australian counsellors, social workers and therapists on 21stCentury discipline and parenting. I was at another team meeting the other week, and I thought the topic of discussion was particularly interesting and something that I have been asked by parents before. Discipline has become a bit of a dirtyContinue reading “To Smack or Not to Smack?”

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